Sunday, May 31, 2015

A meaningful experience

It was a pleasure to be part of this workshop. I gained new knowledge on theatre elements. I went deeply on Theatre of the Oppressed ideas and exercises; and as an observer –and participant in some way; it was interesting to see people from all over India thinking actively on how to take the best out of these practices to change and create impact in their communities, lives and jobs.

Now I’ll continue working on my research about the possible application of Forum Theatre of the Oppressed in conflict resolution at the personal level; specifically conflicts that are characterized by violent situations (physical, emotional or physiological violence).

Thanks CCDC for the opportunity.

Best regards,

Sara Pan Algarra

Email contact:

Saturday, May 30, 2015


Activity 1: Debrief about the Forum Theatre

The participants and facilitators discussed, evaluated and talked about the successful forum that happened yesterday.


Visiting this primary school in Bangalore was such a nice experience. We put in practice the learning we gained throughout the week by doing some TO activities and games with the kids such as image theatre.

The results were great; find here some pictures of the images the kids made about the themes: family, classroom and dinner table.

After the workshop we had a reflection session on what happened and identified key aspects of Radha’s facilitation at this short version of what a workshop with kids about TO should look like.

Then we had a really good south Indian lunch together (thanks organizers!).

Discussion about EDUCATION

There were too many thoughts and great ideas going on in this discussion that it won’t make sense to give you reader a list of what we discussed; however I just want to give you the task of thinking about this question: if you would have the opportunity to change the current standardized education system, what would you do?

What is or might be the impact of Theatre of the Oppressed in education?

Closing session (reflection and feedback time)

“Theatre is a form of knowledge; it should and can also be a means of transforming society. Theatre can help us build our future rather than just waiting for it” –Augusto Boal.

By Sara Pan Algarra



The participants went through a long new process of rehearsals with Radha and Ravi (the facilitators of the training workshop).  Some of the problems that were raised by the performances were family issues, distance and love, the complexity of relationships, ego, teamwork and responsibilities, gender roles, societal expectations and education.

Find here some pictures of the rehearsal:


Besides the rain and traffic in Bangalore City, many people came to our performance.

After each performance, a discussion happened about the themes it touched upon. Then the audience chose one performance out of the five; and we did a forum theatre exercise on it.

Performance 1: Is my life actually mine?

The audience encouraged and facilitated by the Joker (Radha), identified different topics and issues from this short play. Some of them were the role of men in society, the power individuals have to take their own decisions, pressures of the system, capitalist system, where is the place for people’s own decisions? Where does happiness lay? Other topics were discussed such as the expectation of systematic structures that have been imposed in out societies, relationships between each other and the concept of choice and free will.

Performance 2: I wish you would…

This performance raised concerns about teamwork and organizational work. How difficult it is to do collective work and be responsible. How challenging it is to establish common goals when in one job there are many people thinking differently about its mission. Also, how difficult it is to have common priorities when we do collective work.

Performance 3: Little Boxes

This performance was a critic about the current general global education system of grades, competition, expectations and monotony.

Performance 4: Trapped

This performance was about not having needs met and the struggles of one person trying to find a common ground in which she could have “the best of both worlds”. The play ended questioning: is that possible, to have “the best of both worlds”?

Performance 5: Identity

This performance was a very emotional moment for everyone who was in the room. It told us the story of a gay couple trying to be accepted and respected by their family and friends. The Forum was made with this story; in which the spectators become ‘spect-actors’.

Among the learning we gained today, one was that pedagogy theatre conceives solidarity as running the same risks.

We have born with a huge role in making changes.

By Sara Pan Algarra

Thursday, May 28, 2015


 Facilitation Debrief and concerns

We discussed different aspects of facilitation, such as neutrality and how the facilitator participation is more about exploring rather than imposing. In addition, we talked about how to identify your real voice and the power we have as facilitators of Theatre of the Oppressed.

Always remember that we are making art.

Activity 1: Glass Cobra

The way I perceived this activity is based on the idea of experiencing the other by exploring your senses. It involves touching the other with your eyes closed and using your hands to connect with the outside world, the people surrounding you.  

Activity 2: PLAY MAKING 

Today participants started creating their performance for the Forum Theatre that is happening tomorrow Friday.

They all look very interesting, with a large variety of themes all interconnected –gender roles, voice, stereotypes, patriarchal system, power and majorities, the system under which we live and the expectations it brings on everybody.

After a detailed process of choosing themes, analyzing them and creating images, participants came out with 5 stories-performances.

I am really excited to see all of them tomorrow.

Activity 4: Simulation on training and facilitation

Some of the participants had the opportunity to practice their facilitation skills. After, the ones that leaded the activities, received feedback.

Activity 5: Magnets game and closing

Finally, the Forum Theatre is happening tomorrow! Let see how it goes –hopefully amazing!

By Sara Pan Algarra

Theatre Forum

If you happen to be in Bangalore tomorrow Friday! Feel free to join us. 

Wednesday, May 27, 2015


Activity 1: Fainting by numbers

The way I perceived this activity was about solidarity and always being aware of other people.

Activity 2: Minimum Surface Contact

This activity allowed the participants to be aware of their connection with Earth and how it felt to be touching the ground with different parts of their bodies.

Facilitation Debrief and concerns

The facilitators of the workshop touched upon different aspects of TO facilitation, such as the role of the Joker, how important are preparation to be able to improvise and the relevance of mental agility and creativity as a facilitator.

Activity 4: Follow your mother like a little penguin

Being aware and connected to the sound you belong.

Activity 5: Carnival in Rio  

To observe the participants doing this activity was very interesting. The way I interpreted it was about how crucial it is to be able to choose among so many options that we have in the external world the sound and movement which we as individuals connect with.

This was a really challenging for many participants.

Photos of the debrief session:

Activity 6: 1 2 3 Rainbow of Desire

To honor the emotions and feelings of stories, by sharing, performing, changing and interpreting them but more importantly connecting and being empathetic and respectful with the storyteller.


We closed today’s session dancing and singing funny songs from all over India. And, one from the US!

"We are all actors: being a citizen is not living in society, it is changing it" Augusto Boal

By Sara Pan Algarra