Wednesday, May 27, 2015


Activity 1: Fainting by numbers

The way I perceived this activity was about solidarity and always being aware of other people.

Activity 2: Minimum Surface Contact

This activity allowed the participants to be aware of their connection with Earth and how it felt to be touching the ground with different parts of their bodies.

Facilitation Debrief and concerns

The facilitators of the workshop touched upon different aspects of TO facilitation, such as the role of the Joker, how important are preparation to be able to improvise and the relevance of mental agility and creativity as a facilitator.

Activity 4: Follow your mother like a little penguin

Being aware and connected to the sound you belong.

Activity 5: Carnival in Rio  

To observe the participants doing this activity was very interesting. The way I interpreted it was about how crucial it is to be able to choose among so many options that we have in the external world the sound and movement which we as individuals connect with.

This was a really challenging for many participants.

Photos of the debrief session:

Activity 6: 1 2 3 Rainbow of Desire

To honor the emotions and feelings of stories, by sharing, performing, changing and interpreting them but more importantly connecting and being empathetic and respectful with the storyteller.


We closed today’s session dancing and singing funny songs from all over India. And, one from the US!

"We are all actors: being a citizen is not living in society, it is changing it" Augusto Boal

By Sara Pan Algarra

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